This is your life, and you can choose to live it however you choose to, and I know you've probably been through some struggles. I know you've probably been through some pain. I know you're probably struggling right now, but are you going to let all that pain, and all that struggle define who you are? Are you going to let it control you? Are you going to let all that shit that you've been through control your life to where you have to live a certain way? Hell no, you're going to take that pain, you're going to take that struggle, you're going to take all that shit that you've been through, and you're going to flip it, and you're going to turn that MESS into your MESSage, and You're going to switch your life around, become better, and live the life that you deserve to have. Just because you've been through shit doesn't mean your life has to be shit. Your life can be whatever it wants to be, whatever you want it to be, but you have to take control of it. You have to take control of it, and you have to say, "You know what? I'm going to do this because I want to do this, I'm ready to do this, and nobody can stop me." That's the attitude.
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